Guide to finding and using research materials

The tips for users page is a guide to how to download and use data from the infrastructures related to my research projects, including DiACL - Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics and DiACL Zenodo community, as well as other relevant sources. The page is continuously changing, so stay updated for new additions.

If you have questions on how to use the data of DiACL or DiACL Zenodo, do not hesitate to contact me, or

General rules for using data from the DiACL homepage or the DiACL Zenodo community: all data, material and code are free of use, but has to be quoted by the reference of the database:
Carling, Gerd (ed.) 2024. Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics Online. Frankfurt: Goethe University. (DOI/URL: Accessed on: x.).

Language metadata

Linguistic metadata is very important for using linguistic data. The linguistic metadata of DiACL can be achieved in various ways. Via the Language Index Page, you can download all metadata of the database as json/csv, or the data for each language (icon in the right-most column). This metadata includes name, ISO 693-3 code, Glottocode, alternative names, location (focal point), time frame, language area, reliability, and associated tree node.

Family information of the database can be achieved in JSON format via the Language Tree Page, which gives all family trees (json icon on top), or by family (in the drop-down menu for each family).

Language metadata can also be achived via DiACL data for CLICS, published by Rzymski et al (2019) and stored as a Zenodo library, which gives the equivalent glottonames, glottocodes and families for most (but not all) DiACL languages.  Latest version (3.0) is found here.